Tuesday 27 September 2011


Young Dreams from Young Dreams on Vimeo.

This weekend, I attended a seminar arranged by my alma mater, Bergen School of Architecture. The topic was the architect education of the future, and loads of interesting questions were raised. One of the moments I'll remember the best, however, was the opening, where our headmistress (principal/rector/leader whatever you prefer) Marianne Skjulhaug played this very cool and aesthetically pleasing music video from the band called Young Dreams.

The video was taped in a house called Planetveien 12, built by the great Norwegian architect Arne Korsmo for himself and his wife, the artist Grete Prytz Kittelsen. Architect  Ragnhild Jordtveit Kristiansen, who writes the blog "Mine venners hjem" says in her blog post about the house that "Planetveien is a dream of glass, concrete and teak, with specially designed and built-in furniture and surprising and original solutions". Read the blog post and watch the video (in full screen).


  1. Når jeg ser Planetveien er det første som slår meg illusjonen om at store vindusflater bringer naturen inn i rommet, at dette styrker kontakten og interaksjonen med omgivelsene. Vi har her å gjøre med et av de virkelig store modernismens dogmer. Men når alt kommer til alt, det heter i dagligtale vindusruter, ikke vindusflater, og med god grunn.

    Dette fordi alle livgivende strukturer er fraktale, derfor må også vinduer ha fraktale kvaliteter. Faktum er at små vindusruter styrker kontakten og interaksjonen med naturen og omgivelsene, disse multipliseres opp mangfoldig. Dette er ettertrykkelig slått fast i pattern 238 & 239 i A Pattern Language.

    Dessverre er nok ikke denne bygningen annet enn nok et irreligiøst tempel, et illusjonistisk ikon:


  2. "Environmental psychologists have long known about this widespread and puzzling phenomenon. Laboratory results show conclusively that architects literally see the world differently from non-architects. Not only do architects notice and look for different aspects of the environment than other people; their brains seem to synthesize an understanding of the world that has notable differences from natural reality. Instead of a contextual world of harmonious geometric relationships and connectedness, architects tend to see a world of objects set apart from their contexts, with distinctive, attention-getting qualities." - Michael Mehaffy

    - Architectural Myopia: Designing for Industry, Not People:



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