Saturday 27 February 2010


Those Russians! I can't help but admire the madness of their traditional wooden architecture, illustrated in this picture and several more, which you can find if you click on the picture. These luxury houses, some of them almost resembling little villages of their own, are great examples of this architecture. This way of building reminds me a bit of old Norwegian architecture, but there is another element as well, a will variate and decorate that's unlike anything else in Europe, and perhaps related to the Arab or Byzantine world? It is perhaps more complex than organized, and I very much doubt I'll ever design anything like it myself, but it has alot of personality and life. And they have towers! <3


  1. Why wont you design anything like that?? I would!! Love it!!! - mat hilde

  2. Jeg vil bo i et saant hus, hvorfor bygger ikke du saanne hus? Og hvorfor sa du ikke ifra at du har en blogg??? Hm? HM??


  3. I love it too, Mathilde, but I'm not sure I feel connected enough to the tradition to able to really understand it good enough to use the language myself. Plus it burns.

    Maybe I'll build one for you, Rebecca. Didn't know you were THAT interested in architecture, but I post almost every blog post on Facebook. I also update it almost every day.

  4. Well, architecture isn't a burning passion of mine per se, but i want to know a bit about everything so people think i'm clever. And it's better to learn something about something from someone who doesn't have the most boring writing style in the world. You happen to be quite good.

    Mystery solved!

  5. I like your strategy, and thank you!

    I also like mysteries solved.


    There are several standing wooden churches and houses in Russia also. :)

  7. Cool! Gotta love that rich expression. My blog post called "THOSE RUSSIANS" is about the first one of the houses you link to.


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