Saturday, 28 December 2013


Visiting a friend of mine in Lyngdal, Southern Norway a few weeks ago, we stumbled across this weird and wonderful house and garden, lying peacefully next to the road. I doubt that an architect lives here, but the people who do, have taken their liberties in creating something unusual, adding both a small tower and miniature italianate box planting in the middle of the Norwegian agricultural landscape. I can't help but love when people take control of their surroundings in this way, often creating something unique and infinitely charming as they go along.

Friday, 15 November 2013


This amazing image is the work of Yanick Dusseault, and depicts the city Theed of the planet Naboo in the Star Wars universe. Naboo is known for its combination of advanced techonology with classicish (my word) architecture.

The focus is on Theed's large royal palace, which supposedly had another tower added by each new monarch, to show his or hers... er... capability. Or something. Looks bloody beautiful, anyway.

Friday, 8 November 2013


The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.

Please watch this beautiful little film of architecture real, imagined and re-imagined (in fullscreen); it's a nice reminder of how architecture sometimes can be an art.

One of the most important buildings featured in the film is Louis Kahn's Exeter library. The more I learn about Kahn, the more I come to love his work. There's a rather huge Kahn exhibition at the Oslo Museum of Architecture right now. Anyone who hasn't seen it, really should go. Last day of the exhibition is 26th January 2014.

Finally, thanks to Joan, who made me aware of the film a long time ago. I love it.

PS. TOEFL test tomorrow, needed for my applications to the schools I want to get in to in the US. Wish me luck!

Thursday, 7 November 2013


As I hinted earlier, I recently went to Hamburg. One of the greatest places I visited, was also one of the smallest, a tiny street inside a complex called the Grocers' Apartments.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

On a tiny plot, this group of 17th century timber frame houses creates a world of its own, twisting and leaning and bending in all directions.

(Add some curly hair, oxfordesque attire and a hand on the chin, and you've accomplished what you wanted to, more or less.)

Thursday, 31 October 2013


This amazing ceiling made of linden trees can be found at Blindernveien in Oslo, and creates a room as good as any.

The technique is called pollarding in English, and is an excellent way of renewing trees.

Friday, 11 October 2013


I somehow stumbled upon the Norwegian version of Wikipedia's article about Medieval philosophy earlier today. This is the complete set of illustrations. Weird stuff.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Erlend lived here.
The tram stop for Håkon's old apartment was here.
This was the street where I called Heidimarie and asked about the wonderful wine she and Erik served at their wedding.
This was where Petter and I met each other before he went to New York.
This is where I bought dinner today.
This was the street I walked up to go to Heidi's birthday party on the 20th July 2011, after which I caught a cold and decided to stay home for the weekend.
In Thereses gate I've walked home with Ole Thomas and Tamar after a night out.
In Thereses gate, I met Patrick by coincidence earlier this fall, after several years.
And in Thereses gate, Marta took this picture a morning when there, by some stroke of magic, was no one out, a morning earlier this summer.

Thank you!

Monday, 7 October 2013


It seems most people have heard about Kowloon Walled City by now, except me. However, you may not have seen this drawing yet, so please enjoy.

Also, have a look at this great blog post and this series of pictures from the Daily Mail, and maybe even this documentary.

Friday, 4 October 2013


Somewhere, in a not-too-different world, you'll find this slightly absurd house, standing somewhere in the Swedish countryside. Why does it look the way it does? How did it come to be that way? It's great, like something that has grown naturally over time, but I'm not very sure how it would seem in real life.

Anyway, be sure to visit the brilliant webpage of artist Simon Stålenhag for more of this strange and captivating vision.

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Walking home from a great day spent with my friend Aina (Remember the girl with all the talent and charm?) and her cool little brother, I had to take a picture when I passed this great sight: An elderly man, just hanging out of his window in the sunshine, looking at people and cars passing by. I don't think he talked to the girls, but it seems he at least made eye contact with one of them.

I believe good architecture will do this to a city. Windows which open up wide encourages people to look out unto the outside and get some real sunshine on their skin. The wall is pierced by the sudden gap in the facade, and a potent meeting between private and public takes place. A road without too many cars is nice to look at, while the trees across tha road cast an interesting shadow. The street becomes a nicer and more interesting place to walk, and so a few people might choose to not take the car. Urban magic.

Monday, 30 September 2013


Yours truly at Hamburg Hauptbahnhof earlier today. The building was constructed in 1906, designed by architects Heinrich Reinhardt and Georg Süssenguth, based on the Galerie des machines. Hamburg is an nice place, and the burger was tasty.

Saturday, 28 September 2013


Stone! Brass! Glass! Viking ornament! Thor is back, more focused on the weird and wonderful architecture in Asgard (Marvel's version of it, anyway) than ever. When this world was launched some years ago, many were astonished by the futuristic look of the city of the Northern gods. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these spaces, which are rooted in ancient traditions, but with a very fresh feel.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


This facade is amazing. Simple, and yet intriguing. I suppose the thick stone walls are keeping the wine cold, while the arches and niches make it interesting. The building doesn't really look like a château to me, but it's supposed to be the vineyard Château Mouton-Rothschild in Médoc, Southern France. (Study trips are a great occasion for discussing (and drinking) wine.)


Midnight City from M83 on Vimeo.

Waiting in a car.
Waiting for a ride in the dark.
The night city grows.
Look and see her eye, the glow.
Waiting in a car.
Waiting for a ride in the dark.
Drinking in the lounge.
Following the neon signs.
Waiting for a roar.
Looking at a mutating skyline.
The city is my church.
It wraps me in the sparlking twilight.
Waiting in a car.
Waiting for the right time.
Waiting in a car.
Waiting for the right time.
Waiting in a car.
Waiting for the right time.
Waiting in a car.
Waiting for the right time.
Waiting in a car.
Waiting for a ride in the dark.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


What can shadows do to buildings? Here's one example. A brick wall, simple on the verge of being boring, suddenly looks almost like it's burning, just from the shadow of some nearby trees. The photo was taken in a student village where the office is currently doing some redesign work.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


Isn't this the most wonderful backyard you've seen in a while? Not very classical, but very welcoming and charming, in some inexplicable way. The picture was taken earlier this summer in Grønland, Oslo, by a friend of mine who lives in one of the buildings surrounding it.

I'm not quite sure what the white, fog-cottonish stuff is, but Lina seems to believe it's pollen. I think it might be poplar seeds, but I'm not sure. Looks cool, though, don't you think?

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Back in Oslo for at least a year (and it feels great).

Picture taken on 13th August by yours truly. The word "ja" means "yes" in Norwegian (which supposedly is one of the easiest languages to learn for people with English as their native tongue).

Saturday, 31 August 2013


Here's a photo taken some time ago in Charleston, South Carolina, by the brilliant young architect Jenny Bevan.

So, consider this: How interesting are the shadows cast by the architecture you make?

Friday, 30 August 2013


Did they have this in the olden days? Can we plase have it now? I'm making notes for the watery city I'll be building in the future, and this definitely part of it. Have a nice weekend!

Friday, 2 August 2013


Have you ever read this wonderful book? A modern fable, dealing with such themes as time, modernity and life in the city, Michael Ende's classic also contains reflections on architecture, and descriptions of amazing rooms and spaces.

The text is, in most versions, accompanied by these pictures and many more, apparently made b Ende himself. They make the book come alive in a weird and charming way, and are an excellent example of how fictional imagery might extend the possibilities of architecture. The protagonist lives in an old Roman amphitheatre, and the book has been described by the author as "a tribute of gratitude to Italy".

It was also made into a film in 1986, featuring great and imaginative sets, often reminiscent of classical architecture. Here's a montage of clips from the film. Not my taste in music, but have a look anyway:

And read the book. And watch the whole film. It's all very beautiful.

Friday, 26 July 2013


An architectonical observation from the incredibly funny Youtube channel Cinema Sins in the video counting the sins of the first Hobbit film (which by the way contains loads of cool fictional architecture and urbanism).

But what is the explanation for this? Why no handrails? Might just be because it looks good, but that doesn't explain how no one would try to prevent the thousands of casualties which inevitably would be the result of this policy. Visual pleasure vs. security is a debate in this world as well (just think of the organisations for people with impaired vision, who wants there to be gigantic glowing yellow arrows and stripes absolutely everywhere), but it's quite easy to see who won in this one.

Why not include the whole video:

Thursday, 25 July 2013


Ah, those were the days! At the 1900 world's fair in Paris, also called the Exposition Universelle, architectonical decoration was still (very) allowed, and stylishly dressed people would marvel at the amazing new world that the coming century would bring. They had no idea what they were up for.

This optimistic and even enthusiastic buildings was the Palais d'Electricité, simply celebrating the wonder of electricity, which apparently is closely linked with the concept of the semicircle.

One thing is for sure: They don't make 'em like this anymore.

There, right between the legs of the Eiffel tower (which was constructed for an earlier world's fair)

Picture credits: Wikimedia commons

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Friday, 19 July 2013


One of the coolest gardens I know, quite clearly inspired by Lewis Carlloll's Alice in Wonderland, a book which I was very fascinated and confused by in my childhood, and still love.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Walking around my home town today, I just had to take a picture of this wonderful little structure. Architect and year is unknown, but I would guess it's from around 1920, and probably not yellow originally.

There doesn't seem to exist any kind of building which can't be executed in a classical manner, does it?

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


The Deichman library in Oslo. Liberal Greek revival, Nils Reiersen 1933.

During the course of architectural history, it has happened any times that the aesthetic ideals of an early period have once again become important. Different styles, such as Gothic, Egyptian, Baroque and not at least, Classicism, have haunted the drawing boards of architects in different versions even up until today.

Bragernes church in Drammen. Backsteingotik revival,  Ernst Norgrenn 1872.

Viewing something from a distance provides a person with a certain clarity, an overview which can be hard to obtain when you're in the middle of it. For this reasons, revivals can, in my opinion, be just as great as the originals, although maybe in a different way. Taking a step back has its drawbacks, but that shouldn't be a reason to back off and not to try to do something which you believe would be great.

National Bank of Greece in Nafplio. Mycenaean (!) revival, Zouboulidis ca 1930.

 This blog has been dormant for many months now, not unlike an architectural language which is abandoned in favour of another, but still stays there, behind the curtains. And this is my attempt at a revival of what Not Another Architecture Student has been. Throughout three years of studies, the blog has been my incidental diary for architectural discoveries, a place to scribble down new ideas, a channel for pouring out love and hate in the realm of buildings and cities, and a way to come in contact with some interesting people.

Helga Eng's Hall, Blindern. Playful functionalist revival, LMR arkitektur 1994.

 I have now finished the first part of my masters degree in architecture, equivalent to an undergraduate or bachelors degree. During the year to come, I will work full-time as a paid intern in a very interesting architectural firm called LMR arkitektur. Although a relatively old company, they are a curious and innovative bunch, and I'm looking very much forward to learning from them and contributing with what I may have.

University library at Blindern. Monumentalist revival? LMR arkitektur 1999.

In the year to come, this blog will again become important. Moving home to Oslo will provide me with a new perspective, and new objects to investigate. One of the places I really want to explore, is the university campus, which goes by the name of Blindern, named after the former farm whose land it now occupies. This is a strange and wonderful place, full of ugly buildings and beautiful parks, loved by many for their contents and by few for their looks and interface. I will probably return to Bergen next fall, but I'll also apply to do my masters at other schools, so nothing is certain. Wish me luck!

Yours truly,


University library at Blindern. Treetrunk revival? LMR arkitektur, 1999.

PS. Fictional Friday will be back, too!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Shit pommes frites! (Norwegian expression) It's been more than a month since I last wrote anything here. Sorry to my wonderful readers who have missed the quirky architecture and all-over-the-place references. I've been very busy with school, but most importantly: Making a portfolio! I'm sending it out to different offices these days, so wish me luck!

Oh, and here's the portfolio. You can even download it if you want to:

(In Norwegian so far)

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Today was the start of our mini-diploma: the complex building course. Over the next three months, the class will be exploring, investigating and finally redesigning parts of Haukalnd University Hospital in Bergen, Norway. This is the concept sketch I presented:

Wish me luck!

Thursday, 7 March 2013


St. Pierre et Paul, the classical cathedral of Lubumbashi, or The City Formerly Known As Élisabethville, in the Democratic Reublic of Congo. Year: 1921. Architect: Unknown.

Contextual and cool, even literally (I would guess).

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